Featured Reports

The Condition of Latinos in Education: 2015 Factbook

19 February 2015 In Featured Reports

The Condition of Latinos in Education: 2015 Factbook


Excelencia in Education recently released The Condition of Latinos in Education: 2015 Factbook, a compilation of data focused on the educational achievement of Latinos beginning with early childhood. The purpose of the factbook is to establish a baseline from which the educational achievement of Latinos can be measured over time.

Among the primary findings of this report:

  • In 2012, Hispanics were the second largest racial/ethnic group in the United States, making up 17% of the total population.
  • By 2050, Latinos are expected to represent more than 33% of the U.S. population under 5 years old.
    • This will make Latinos the largest racial/ethnic group for the under 5 cohort (Whites are projected to make up 31%, African Americans are projected to make up 13% and Asians are projected to make up 7%).

· Over half of Hispanic high school graduates had enrolled in college in 2012 (70%).

    • Latinos were more likely to enroll in community colleges than other racial/ethnic groups (46% of Latinos enrolled in community colleges).
    • The majority of Latinos (59%) who graduated from high school enrolled in HSIs (Hispanic Serving Institutions).
  • In 2012 Hispanics represented the second largest group of the traditional college aged (18-24 years old) population (21%).
  • In 2013, 3.1 million Latinos had earned a bachelor’s degree; a 63% increase from 1.9 million Latinos who held a B.A. in 2004.
    • Over the past five years, the number of undergraduate degrees conferred to Latinos increased by over 50%, 10 states had over a 100% increase in the number of degrees conferred to Latinos.
  • Between 2012 and 2022, there is projected to be a 2.5% increase in labor participation among Latinos.
    • Among non-Hispanic White students, there is expected to be a 0.2% decrease.