
Women of Color in Higher Education

Women of Color in Higher Education


According to the Census’ American Community Survey, in 2022 18.9% of the total U.S. population
identified as a woman of color. In total, 9.4% of the population were Hispanic or Latina women, 6.2% were Black women, 2.3% were Asian women, 0.3% were American Indian/Alaska Native women, and 0.1% were Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander women. Among women of color aged 25 or over, 30.5% had earned a bachelor’s degree or higher. The rate for Asian women is 56%, for Black women it is 28.3%, for Hispanic or Latina women it is 22.4%, for Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander women it is 19.9%, and for American Indian/Alaska Native women it is 20%. Bachelor’s degree or higher attainment is up from 22% in 2010 for women of color, with an average increase of 7.1 percentage points for all included racial/ethnic groups. Despite this increase, educational attainment for women of color in 2022 was below the national rate of 36.8% for all women.