
Asian American and Pacific Islander Students

Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Students
in Higher Education


According to the Census’ American Community Survey, in 2021 19.8 million (5.9%) of the U.S. population were Asian American or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AAPI). Of the approximately 19.1 million Asian Americans, the largest ethnic groups were Asian Indian (4.4 million), Chinese (4.4 million), Filipino (2.9 million), Vietnamese (1.9 million), Korean (1.4 million), and Japanese (742,000). Of the 612,448 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander residents, 185,000 were Native Hawaiian, 122,000 were Samoan, and 69,000 were Chamorro. Among Asian American residents aged 25 or over, 56.4% had earned a bachelor’s degree or higher. Among Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander residents aged 25 or over, 18.2% had earned a bachelor’s degree or higher. In 2010, the shares of bachelor’s degree or higher recipients for Asian Americans and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders were 49.9% and 14.9%, respectively.