Podcast: Federal Student Loan Servicing: Strengths and Weaknesses II

7 March 2017 In Podcasts

Listen to our fourth podcast in partnership with Radio Higher Ed.

See below for detailed “show notes” from this recording.

An Interview with Jennifer Wang, D.C. Office Director for The Institute for College Access and Success (TICAS).

Title: Direct Loan Servicing: Strengths and Weaknesses/The Borrower Perspective

Short Description: Jennifer Wang, D.C. Office Director for The Institute for College Access and Success (TICAS), presents the borrower’s perspective on how federal student loan servicing can be improved.

Show Notes:

How direct lending helps borrowers manage repayment of their loans.

Common borrower complaints about the current loan servicing system.

Potential advancements in the design and management of loan servicing for borrowers.

Use of servicer-level data to improve the borrower experience.